Monday, March 10, 2008

Meet another member of the famdamily..

This is Popeye. He wants to be part of my blog. But right now he has to take a nap so he promises to tell it like it is tommorow.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

my worst nightmare

So yesterday was "hobby day" at the local public library. which basically means alot of old people showing off their 500 knitted hats,collections of ugly knicknacks etc. But for some reason the librarian really likes my oldest spawn and every year for 5 years she has invited him to bring his collection of owls to show off. Since she invites the big spawn she feels bad and invites the 2 as a tagalong. 2 has a small collection of stuffed moose ( Mooses,meeces,moosey?) So basically we pack up this huge collection of owls and the smaller mooses and off to the library we go. The old people love my kids they oooh and ahhh over them and their stuff, bring them cookies, and in the case of 1 they save little owl things to give to him. So this year there was another kid there. Now don't get me wrong I like kids. I especially like the smart funny ones. But THIS was the most annoying child I have EVER met! He spent the whole day waxing poetic about how great the star wars Wii game is the greatest game ever ( umm hello that spot belongs to Pac man DUH!) and how all this "NEW" star wars stuff is so cool. By the end of the first five minutes my eyes were glazing over and I was falling out of my chair. As the day wore on he continued to drone on and on and on like that. So after we were done,packed up and ready to go I pulled a dollar out of my purse and turned to my 1 spawn and said in a whisper " I will give you a dollar if you never ever ever ever act/talk/dress/imitate/think like that kid!"
Now he's going around imitating the little weenie kid right down to his facial expressions. I might have stepped right in that one. Never go up against a smart spawn when geek behavior is on the line!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

For a team that started out kinda spazzy and clumsy the Rockets turned out a 12 win 2 loss season. The team they were playing this last game had this annoying habit of shouting shottttt! everytime any of our team went to score..I so wanted to jump to my feet and yell shudduppppp !every time they did it. I did the grownup mommy thing though even though I wanted to slap them down!'s more fun to be immature being a grown up sucks!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Spawnling number 1 is so my kid...
I spent many many hours curled up with a book on a sunny afternoon while the other kids ran and played outside!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

a cute picture of Spawns number 1 and 2

taken in front of the schol where I attended 1st grade.